Born Of Heaven’s Power • Vocal Solo, SSA, & Men’s Duet

by C. Michael Perry

Dealing with the Power and Authority of the Priesthood as seen through the eyes of men and those who love them.

For Women’s Voices S or SA.

A Duet for men

Great for a Father’s Day or Priesthood Commemoration


Here are the words in PDF format. BornOfHeaven’slyric

ALSO; page one of the sheet music for the SOLO: Born Of Heaven’s Power SOLOp1

AND, page one of the sheet music for the SSA: Born Of Heaven’s Power SSAp1


Here is a rough demo (from the Finale file) mp3 of the SOLO version:

and a rough demo from the Finale file mp3 of the SSA [or duet] version:


ORDER: (Use this cart, and upon confirmation of payment and information, we will email you the pdf document. Email us at: [email protected] with your name, the name of your group and a phone number, so we can license the music.)

    • SOLO Single : $5.00 (for personal & perusal purposes+ accompanist, allowed to print 2 copies)
    • MEN’S DUET Double: $6.00 (for personal purposes+ accompanist, allowed to print 3 copies)
    • SSA ChoirPak: $25.00 (allows you to print out up to 20 copies. For more than 20 copies please buy a second Choir Package. No distribution beyond your choir.)
